Emergency Department Encounter Notifications (EDEN)
Emergency Department Encounter Notifications (EDEN) delivers access to the right information, at the right time, to ensure patients receive the quality care they deserve, while improving overall efficiency and cost of care. EDEN supports more efficient transitions of care and reduced readmissions for individuals throughout the state. EDEN & PULSE are supported by a combination of state funds from HHSC and federal funds from CMS.
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This map represents the data sources currently available to EDEN subscribers. Please contact us at eden@thsa.org for more information.
Optimize Financial Performance
Knowing when a patient requires post discharge care is a vital tool to enhance revenue through transitional care management (TCM) billing and value-based contracting arrangements.
CMS CoP Compliance
Meets the requirements under the Interoperability & Patient Access Final Rule for all hospitals to send encounter notifications to a patient’s care team.
Improve Care Coordination
Clinicians and care managers can receive timely EDEN notifications about hospitalizations, act promptly, and direct patients to the most appropriate care settings.
Reduce Avoidable Utilization
When care teams know when and where encounters happen care and resources can be delivered more efficiently and effectively.
Improve Patient Satisfaction
EDEN notifications improve communications and streamline workflows between care providers and case team managers – this leads to greater patient engagement and satisfaction.
Meaningful Use Compliance
Enables the automatic routing of discharge summaries from hospitals in a manner compliant with MU requirements for Transitions of Care.
Use the accordions to learn about frequently asked questions about EDEN. These questions cover a wide range of topics. If your question can not be answer please contact our team with the button below.
Who can subscribe?
How do I receive alerts?
Is there a cost for EDEN?
There is no cost to act solely as a data source. EDEN subscriber pricing is set at a per-patient, per-year rate, billed on a quarterly basis.
How do I sign up for EDEN?
Review the EDEN resources below, and contact us at info@thsa.org to learn more about how to get started.